한국플랜테크 | Hankuk Plantech

Mezzanine Rack

Logistics Storage SystemMezzanine Rack

Mezzanine Rack

Rigidly connected to the steel frame of main-beam and sub-beam that using the rack frame (rack type) of weight locker or independent H-beam (pole type), laid the floor deck on it, increase the storage amount of cargo.
It is needed the secondary devices such as elevator, stairs and conveyor to go to the 2nd floor.
Belt Conveyors / Shutes / Slotted Conveyors / Curve Roller Conveyors / Simple Lifts
Warehouse is relatively high, the cargo is lightly small, while facilitating the loading and unloading work when there is a large amount of storage cargo, increase the storage efficiency.
This is useful when you increase the space utilization of the warehouse.